Slipping into Reverie

End of Summer

With my back on the grass

veins of leaves spread

against the blue sky

airplanes part the sky

flies flicker onoff this quiet body


chickadees piercing that white noise

the earth a vibrating bell

struck long ago

a ferry drone filters through he woods

and then blurts get out of my way.

A lifetime ago

boy in the shade

hiding in the woods

lays down out of sight

drinking in the blue sky

filtered through thinly veined leaves

shivering in the hot breeze.

In between then and now

I learned the name of the tree, I can

describe what happens as sap rises

as the sky reddens at the turn of day

and nothing has changed.

50 years of naming things

and the mystery is greater than ever

Just this slower body now

Slipping into reverie.


Liberal Arts Yeah!


Plum Jam