How am I making life harder for myself?
As a skilled procrastinator, I find very good reasons to delay stuff. The most reliable one is that ‘I am still thinking about it’. But I have other go-to’s like ‘I’m sitting with it’, ‘Got to research this a bit more’, ‘Just making a cuppa tea’, ‘Busy with the kids this week’, ‘Low on milk so off to the store’ . They all work.
Well, the new year settled in and I decided to create a regular weekly blog, you know like this, to share thoughts and perhaps even expand my coaching business. I voiced that commitment to Rob, my life coach and have kept to it for the past 3 weeks. Feels good. But we are on week 4. And later today we have a session and I don’t want to let myself down. Those excellent delay tactics work for me but won’t hold up for my accountability buddy. What to do? A better question in this case is ... How am I making this harder than it needs to be?
Yes, I am still thinking about it. Yes it was early release day at school for kids. Milk is low. My third cup of tea is by my laptop.
And yes, I made this so much harder trying to find a profound and impressive theme to show my understated genius to the world. So with no time to lose, this is it and it is enough!
Seriously, how else am I making life harder for myself?